Sunday, January 27, 2013

Who knew eating oil would be good for you!

Many dietary oils can negatively affect on your health. We cook with them almost every day and they are plentiful in commercially prepared foods. Expeller-pressed or solvent-extracted oils only became a major part of the American diet in the last century.  They are known as vegetable oils or polyunsaturated oils. The most common source of these oils used in commercially prepared foods is the soybean. Did you know you by taking one tsp full of oil 3x a day could improve your health? Research has shown that Coconut oil has reversing effects on patients with Alzheimer's. I think that's truly amazing, it makes me wonder what effects would it have on some of our kids who have ADD or ADHD.
Coconut oil has so many benefits.....
Helps boost your metabolism, Coconut oil primarily consists of medium-chain fatty acids. These triglycerides can speed up the metabolism because they are so easily digested and converted into energy. Long-chain fatty acids, like those in polyunsaturated oils, are more difficult for the body to break down and use for energy. Instead, long-chain fatty acids are usually stored as fat in the body.Several scientific studies have exhibited these principles.
Promotes thyroid health Coconut oil, on the other hand, is a saturated fat made up primarily of medium chain fatty acids. Also known as medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), medium chain fatty acids are known to increase metabolism and promote weight loss. Coconut oil can also raise basal body temperatures while increasing metabolism. This is good news for people who suffer with low thyroid function. There have been scores of testimonies to this effect.

Coconut oil improves calcium and magnesium absorption in the body, which in turn is greatly beneficial to dental and bone health. The improved calcium absorption created by coconut oil use ceases tooth decay and aids in the development of strong teeth. The combined increased calcium and magnesium absorption are of great benefit to middle-aged women who may become afflicted with osteoporosis.ions This is one fat that diabetics can eat without fear. Not only does it not contribute to diabetes, but it helps regulate blood sugar, thus lessening the effects of the disease. Island people have consumed large amounts of coconut oil for many generations without ever encountering diabetes, but when they abandoned it for other foods and oils, the results were disastrous.
 Coconut oil is a natural substance said to offer a host of health benefits. One of the few plant sources of saturated fat, coconut oil contains lauric acid (said to possess antibacterial, antiviral, and  antioxidant properties.It also delays wrinkles and sagging of skin, and many other things. Do your research. I could talk all night on how good coconut oil is for you.
Make sure its Organic virgin coconut oil  non-hydrogenated. I know no one whats to eat oil no matter how good it is for you but you can cook with it add it to your coffee. I make take a little time tp get use to eating oil but once you see the effects you will learn to like it.